Hiring Internationally Trained Workers
Tourism HR Canada offers a series of infographics that cover tips and resources to help you navigate programs to connect with international talent.
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Tourism: A Career for Advancement
Discover the potential for advancement in a career in Tourism
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Tourism: A Career for Students
Discover why Tourism is an ideal career for students.
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Forward Motion: Building a Seasonal Workforce
Across Canada, tourism businesses are facing a competitive labour market. One creative and effective solution is to hire internationally trained workers to fill seasonal roles.
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Forward Motion: Building a Team That Stays
Learn the top three HR problems facing our industry, seven practical steps you can take today to create a workplace that attracts and retains talent—and why investing in people is good for business.
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Forward Motion: How Much Should I Pay?
Figuring out compensation is a balancing act. The question of what to pay always weighs heavily on tourism operators, particularly in today’s tight labour market.
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TravelPress sat down with 15 remarkable industry professionals and asked them to tell us their stories working in the industry.
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Cafe New Canadians
Are you a newcomer to Canada, a to-be immigrant, a refugee, an international student, or a new Canadian? Come, and join us on Café New Canadians where we have discussions on topics that matter to you.
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What Kind of Jobs Are in Tourism?
We asked tourism professionals from across Canada to share the types of jobs found in the industry. The answers are as diverse as the opportunities.
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