Employer Compass Series: 5 Ways to Improve Employee Retention

High turnover isn’t normal, and creates challenges for the success of your company. Luckily, there are many simple strategies that make your employees want to stay. Using some of the tips outlined in this video, you can make sure your employees feel recognized, respected, and fulfilled.

Mohawk College

One of the largest trainers of apprentices and skilled trades in Ontario, this college offers a tourism diploma program accredited and endorsed through the Association of Canadian Travel Agencies (ACTA).

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Cambrian College

Cambrian College Situated in northeastern Ontario’s largest city, but with easy access to stunning natural landscapes, this college offers programming for those seeking a mix of adventure, marketing, travel, and business, setting you up for a career in accommodations, food and beverage services, recreation and entertainment, transportation, or travel services. Programs Include:

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Canadian Ski Area Jobs

Trade your transit or car commute for a pair of skis or snowboard in the winter as tourism work opportunities await at hundreds of Canadian ski areas.

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