Hotel General Manager
The general manager is the most senior executive of a hotel or motel, although they might report to the owner or executives of the parent hotel chain.
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Cultivate the comforts of home for travellers visiting from around the world.
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Wapusk Adventures
One man’s passion for sharing his culture led him to return home—and stay
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Geldert Guest House
One couple’s search for a new home led to a new career
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Tourism: A Career for Advancement
Discover the potential for advancement in a career in Tourism
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Tourism: A Career for Students
Discover why Tourism is an ideal career for students.
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Forward Motion: Building a Seasonal Workforce
Across Canada, tourism businesses are facing a competitive labour market. One creative and effective solution is to hire internationally trained workers to fill seasonal roles.
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Forward Motion: Building a Team That Stays
Learn the top three HR problems facing our industry, seven practical steps you can take today to create a workplace that attracts and retains talent—and why investing in people is good for business.
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Forward Motion: How Much Should I Pay?
Figuring out compensation is a balancing act. The question of what to pay always weighs heavily on tourism operators, particularly in today’s tight labour market.
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